Join Us

The LJH research group strives to be an environment where both aspiring and experienced scientists can interact and work together on both fundamental and applied research, in the broad area of organometallic chemistry with a specific focus on organophosphorus developments.

We try to be interdisciplinary and collaborative in our approach; we have important and valuable collaborators in a number of countries including the UK, Sweden, France, Brazil and Japan, and the group is involved in a whole variety of applications which require expertise in medicinal, computational, fundamental, catalytic and materials chemistry.

As a result, we welcome applications from enthusiastic undergraduates, Erasmus students, postgraduates and postdoctoral researchers and fellows who can work in a flexible manner, often across subject areas – this means a positive outlook and a willingness to learn new material are the key attributes required to be successful in our team.

If you are interested in applying for a position in the group whatever your level of experience, please email: