Our sponsors
The LJH group has enjoyed generous sponsorship from a number of organisations, including:

The EPSRC have been very supportive partners of the LJH research group, dating as far back as sponsoring Lee’s own PhD. Funding has also been secured for a Career Acceleration Fellowship, Knowledge Transfer Award, EngD programme support and New Directions for Research Leaders award.

Rhodia, acquired by Solvay in 2011, sponsored one of LJH’s postdoctoral research positions at the University of Bristol. They are the industrial partner on the five-year Career Acceleration Fellowship (2009-2014) and their support is gratefully acknowledged.

High Force Research
The LJH group teamed-up with HFR in 2011, when this innovative regional company (based in Bowburn, Durham) co-sponsored a Knowledge Transfer Award to fund a one year MPhil studentship. We then agreed to extend our partnership and HFR co-fund an EPSRC EngD student, who won first prize at the 2016 EngD conference. HFR also offers industrial placement opportunities and is a regular Newcastle University chemistry graduate employer.

Fluorochem have made several generous donations to the LJH research group since we began in 2009, which have been particularly important in the scale-up of our air-stable chiral and fluorescent primary phosphines.

Our newest sponsor have been regular hosts of undergraduate placement students and the LJH group and P&G are currently exploring some areas of mutual research interest together.