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James Fleming jets off to Leipzig thanks to the RSC

– Posted on 23.03.2015

SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERAJames was recently awarded a Researcher Mobility Fellowship by the Royal Society of Chemistry to visit the research group of Prof. Hey-Hawkins at the University of Leipzig for a 6 week period, with the aim of investigating the transition metal chemistry of highly reactive organophosphorus compounds. The fellowship is awarded to young researchers who wish to build relationships and research collaborations in the early stages of their career, and the RSC provided the generous support for his stay.

“I thoroughly enjoyed living in such a vibrant city and my time working in an internationally renowned research group. My time in the group of Prof. Hey-Hawkins was very informative and we learnt much about the nature of the compounds used in the project, furthermore I was pleased to make some very good friends. We aim to continue the project with the participation of a research group in the USA and hope that the collaboration between the Universities of Newcastle and Leipzig will grow in the future.”