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Parliament Awards Prize to Newcastle Chemistry PhD Student

– Posted on 21.03.2013

Laura Davies, 24, a third year PhD student at Newcastle University, originally hailing from Prudhoe, won Silver at a competition in the House of Commons, for the excellence of her chemistry research last week, walking away with a £2,000 prize.

Laura presented her chemistry research to dozens of politicians, including Newcastle MP Chi Onwurah, and a panel of expert judges, as part of the poster competition SET for Britain, on Monday 12 March.

Her research, undertaken as part of Dr Lee Higham’s research team, involves using phosphine chemistry to create new applications in disease imaging, was judged against 29 other shortlisted researchers’ work. Laura’s work has recently been published in one of the top chemistry journals, Angewandte Chemie.

Laura said, “I’m very proud to have won and to be promoting chemistry in the North East. I’d like to thank Chi Onwurah for visiting me at the competition and for her support and interest.”

SET for Britain is a competition in the House of Commons which involves researchers displaying posters of their work to panels of expert judges and politicians. Further information ia available here.

The event aims to help politicians understand more about the UK’s thriving science and engineering base and rewards some of the strongest scientific and engineering research being undertaken in the UK.

Andrew Miller MP, Chairman of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, said, “This annual competition is an important date in the parliamentary calendar because it gives MPs an opportunity to speak to a wide range of the country’s best young researchers.

“These early career scientists are the architects of our future and SET for Britain is politicians’ best opportunity to meet them and understand their work.”

Newcastle Chemistry Closes in on El Paso, Texas as New USA Partner

– Posted on 10.11.2012

In October Dr Lee J. Higham and Prof. Mike Green visited the University of Texas at El Paso to negotiate an agreement to make El Paso a chosen partner for our prestigious Study Abroad degree programme. Hosted by Professor Keith Pannell, the two day tour revealed the depth and quality of the research being carried out at their Department of Chemistry and the visit was concluded with a seminar given by Dr Higham on Surprises in Primary Phosphine Chemistry and Their Applications in Catalysis and Disease Imaging.

A visit to the University of Guanajuato, Mexico followed for Dr Higham, where he gave another seminar and met Dr Eduardo Peña Cabrera (pictured) and his research group, who have recently started a spin-out company synthesising fluorescent compounds based on BODIPY. These visits follow-on from the successful visit to Porto Alegre, Brazil in August, and underlines the Newcastle School of Chemistry’s commitment to securing the very best international partners.

Higham Group Awarded EPSRC KTA Funding

– Posted on 27.07.2011

The research group of Dr Lee J. Higham has attracted further funding in the form of an EPSRC Knowledge Transfer Award (KTA), in collaboration with High Force Research Ltd, a company which specialises in chemical synthesis and R&D for the pharmaceutical, biotech and fine chemicals industries. This form of competitive financing is designed to assist in the commercialisation of existing EPSRC-funded research (generated from the EPSRC Career Acceleration Fellowship), and in this instance will take the form of a novel one year MPhil Studentship. Congratulations are due to Jenny Wallis (pictured), who will rejoin the LJH team after both a successful Johnson Matthey-sponsored Summer Studentship and a highly-productive MChem project on the synthesis of bidentate primary phosphines.

Jenny will spend nine months in the LJH group working on novel phosphorus-containing compounds with potential medicinal applications, before spending the final three months at the laboratories of HFR itself, a dynamic company based in the region, who will generously co-sponsor the award.