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Welcome to Keyi and Wenxin – our new MSc Drug Chemistry students!

– Posted on 17.06.2024

This month has seen the arrival of two new MSc Drug Chemistry students, Keyi and Wenxin (from Wuhan and Sichuan respectively), who will be working on multimodality organophosphorus imaging agents that target inflammasomes. Good luck ladies – and welcome to our team!

Royal Society of Chemistry SPR: Organophosphorus Chemistry Vol. 49 out now!

– Posted on 16.06.2020

A collection of up-to-date reviews from experts in their field across a wide range of research topics on phosphorus chemistry is available now!

Organophosphorus Chemistry: Volume 49

Series: SPR – Organophosphorus Chemistry

Editor(s): David W Allen, David Loakes, Lee J Higham, John C Tebby

Table of contents

  • Tertiary Phosphines: Preparation and Reactivity
  • Phosphine Chalcogenides
  • Tervalent Phosphorus Acid Derivatives
  • Phosphonium Salts and P-Ylides
  • Quinquevalent Phosphorus Acids
  • Pentacoordinated and Hexacoordinated Compounds
  • Phosphazenes
  • Green Synthetic Approaches in Organophosphorus Chemistry: Recent Developments


Copper catalysts give 1-phosphapyracenes from LJH primary phosphines: a new US collaboration

– Posted on 16.06.2020

Read all about our collaboration with the Glueck research group in Organometallics on the synthesis of chiral 1-phosphapyracenes from our air-stable chiral MOP primary phosphines – carried out at Newcastle University, UK and Dartmouth College, USA:

Copper–Phosphido Intermediates in Cu(IPr)-Catalyzed Synthesis of 1-Phosphapyracenes via Tandem Alkylation/Arylation of Primary Phosphines