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ACS Dallas 2014

– Posted on 23.06.2014

IMG_0893Lee, Jenny and James made the trip to Dallas for the 2014 Spring ACS, and followed this up with a visit to our collaborators at UNLV, stopping along the way at The Grand Canyon so that James could look at a cactus.

Jenny Wallis passes her MPhil

– Posted on 23.06.2014

Congrats to Jenny who passed her EPSRC-sponsored MPhil viva in December on ‘Highly Fluorescent Phosphines Based on the Bodipy Scaffold’. This research was funded by a Knowledge Transfer Award with High Force Research: Thanks to Dr Jason Lynam (York) for his role as External Examiner, and our own Dr Andrew Pike for his work as Internal Examiner.

Jenny continues her work with the group as an EngD student, co-sponsored once again by the generosity of High Force Research and the EPSRC.

Laura gets set for Johnson Matthey

– Posted on 11.11.2013

Having only recently celebrated her doctorate, Laura had more good news when she landed a job at the multinational company Johnson Matthey.

Congratulations again!

Laura Becomes Dr Davies

– Posted on 11.11.2013

On the 19th of September Laura successfully passed her PhD viva, after an exam with Steve Archibald (Hull). Laura’s mighty purple tome was entitled Air-Stable Fluorescent Primary Phosphines And Their Potential Applications As Precursors For Disease Imaging Agents. Laura won several prizes during her postgraduate studies notably the SET Silver Prize for Chemistry at the 2012 Research Showcase event at the Houses of Parliament. She also published a nice article in Angewandte Chemie on Air-Stable, Highly Fluorescent Primary Phosphines.

Congratulations Laura!

PhD Graduate News

– Posted on 01.08.2013

Arne Ficks completed his PhD in the School of Chemistry working with Dr Lee J. Higham. He studied chemistry at the University of Göttingen, Germany, where he obtained his Diplom (MSc equivalent degree) in June 2009 under the supervision of Prof Franc Meyer. He joined the research group of Dr Lee J. Higham at Newcastle University in October 2009 to work on the applications of primary phosphines in asymmetric catalysis.

The results of his research have been published in a number of scientific journals (see below — the RSC journal articles are available as open access) and Arne presented his results at a number of international conferences, including the American Chemical Society’s Anaheim conference, USA.
